Our selection of Shotcrete materials covers a variety of applications, including dry mix, wet mix, cold temperature, and more. Whether you need an abrasion-resistant mix, enhanced load carrying capacity, or high-velocity shooting characteristics, we have the mix for you.
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Multicrete Alloycrete™ SF-10 is an industrial, abrasion resistant Topping Mix Enhanced with 60 kgs per M3 (100 lbs/ Yd3) of Dramix Steel Fiber and a special blend of Hardened Iron Aggregate.
Steel fibers provide integral reinforcement and improve the product’s Impact Resistance while the Hardened Iron Aggregates create superior wear resistance.
Multicrete Alloycrete™ SF-10 is recommended for high-wearing industrial surfaces which are subject to severe abrasion, impact and continuous wear.
Ideal applications are for extreme duty Shop Floors, Ore Passes and Crusher Chutes.
Easy application as a Trowel-on material or spray-applied, using conventional dry Shotcrete Equipment.
Superior toughness to conventionally reinforced Concrete.
Greatly improved impact resistance and abrasion resistance.
Multicrete Alloycrete™ SF-10 can be custom blended with or without steel fiber reinforcement. It is normally packaged in bulk bags up to 1680 kg (one cubic yard), with double shrink-wrap on wooden pallets.
Multicrete Alloycrete™ SF-10 contains Portland cement and other carefully selected additives. Normal safety wear such as rubber gloves, dust mask and safety glasses used to handle conventional cement based products should be worn.
Please refer to TDS and SDS for detailed information.
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Multicrete XPR™ Shotcrete is a pre-blended, dry shotcrete based on a modified hydraulic cement for a very rapid strength gain.
Multicrete XPR™ Shotcrete also has greatly enhanced shooting characteristics and physical properties due to specially selected admixtures
In the dry process, the Multicrete XPR™ Shotcrete is blown through the hose and mixing water is added at the nozzle. The shotcrete impacts the surface at a high velocity resulting in a well-compacted, high quality concrete with excellent bond. Multicrete XPR™ Shotcrete was specially developed for the following shotcrete applications:
Multicrete XPR™ Shotcrete may be used in combination with steel fiber reinforcement to enhance load-carrying capacity and accelerator to provide fast set times.
It can be blended to meet ACI 506 gradation #1 or #2.
Please refer to TDS and SDS for detailed information.
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Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Dry is a pre-blended shotcrete mixture containing aggregates, silica fume and other carefully selected additives. Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Dry has greatly enhanced shooting characteristics and physical properties.
In the dry process, Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete is blown through the hose and mixing water is added at the nozzle. The shotcrete impacts the surface at a high velocity resulting in a well-compacted, high quality concrete with excellent bond. Some common uses include:
Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Dry may be used in combination with steel fiber reinforcement to enhance load carrying capacity and with non-caustic accelerator to provide high early strengths and faster set times. It can be blended to meet ACI 506 gradation #1 or #2.
Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Dry has vastly improved cohesion characteristics compared to conventional shotcrete. This stickiness saves times and money:
Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Dry can be custom blended with or without steel fiber reinforcement. It is normally packaged in bulk bags up to 1680 kg (one cubic yard), with double shrink-wrap on wooden pallets.
Please refer to TDS and SDS for detailed information.
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Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Wet is a pre-blended shotcrete mixture containing aggregates, silica fume and other carefully selected additives. Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Wet has greatly enhanced shooting characteristics and physical properties.
In the wet process, the Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete is pumped through the hose and compressed air is added at the nozzle. The shotcrete impacts the surface at a high velocity resulting in a well-compacted, high quality concrete with excellent bond. Some common uses include:
Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Wet may be used in combination with steel fiber reinforcement to enhance load carrying capacity and with non-caustic accelerator to provide high early strengths and faster set times. It can be blended to meet ACI 506 gradation #1 or #2.
Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Wet has vastly improved cohesion characteristics compared to conventional shotcrete. This stickiness saves times and money:
Multicrete Megastick® Shotcrete-Wet can be custom blended with or without steel fiber reinforcement. It is normally packaged in bulk bags up to 1680 kg (one cubic yard), with double shrink-wrap on wooden pallets.
Please refer to TDS and SDS for detailed information.
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Multicrete™ Shotcrete Set Accelerator is a chloride-free, dry powder accelerator designed for use with shotcrete. It is also suitable for use as a set accelerator in some other Portland cement products such as concrete mixes.
Determine the amount of Multicrete™ Shotcrete Set Accelerator needed to give the required setting time and rate of strength development for the planned application. The temperature during mixing and curing must be considered during the testing because, like most chemical reactions, the degree of acceleration is reduced as the temperature is lowered. In general, the addition of 1% to 5% of Multicrete™ Shotcrete Set Accelerator by weight of cement will provide satisfactory results. The most common addition rate is 3% to 4%.
Higher addition rates can be used for applications such as water sealing where very rapid setting is essential, and a slight reduction of the final strength is acceptable.
For dry-mix bagged shotcrete applications, it is preferable to premix the shotcrete and the accelerator before adding water. The premixing can be done during batching of the shotcrete, or an additive dispenser can be included in the application equipment. In some cases, on-site additions of set accelerator are undesirable because of conditions such as the lack of suitable dispensing equipment or the absence of adequate quality control.
Multicrete manufactures and supplies a wide range of dry-bagged, premixed standard and accelerated shotcrete, with or without silica fume or steel fiber reinforcement.
The premixed product is supplied in standard paper bags, or in bulk sacks of up to 1 cubic yard.
Multicrete™ Shotcrete Set Accelerator is packaged in 2000 lb. bulk bags. Custom-size packaging available.
Please refer to TDS and SDS for detailed information.
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The water-soluble Dramix® bundles are the only real guarantee of obtaining a homogeneous distribution of high performance steel fibers without special equipment and without considerably increasing the mixing time.
The glue specially developed allows the use of Dramix® steel wire fibers with high L/D ratios in bundles for wet as well as for dry spraying.
Dramix® steel fibers can be added to the mixer or the batching equipment – either on site or at the ready mix plant – or in dry packed mortars delivered in big bags or in silos.
Dramix® steel wire fibers can be added with automatic dosing and dispensing equipment .
Excellent control of cracks due to shrinkage and temperature gradients.
Please refer to TDS and SDS for detailed information.
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P1AF (Premixed) is a high-performance, Alkali-free Set Accelerator for shotcrete applications.
P1AF (Premixed) is suitable for both dry and wet spraying processes and it is used for:
P1AF (Premixed) liquid shotcrete set accelerator has the following characteristics and advantages:
Please refer to TDS and MSDS for detailed information.
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Shotcrete Admixture
Sigunit® P1AF is a water-soluble, alkali free and high-performance shotcrete accelerator in powder form. When dissolved in water it produces an alkali free set accelerator for wet sprayed shotcrete.
Where to Use Sigunit® P1AF is suitable for wet-process shotcreting. The principle applications for Sigunit®- P1AF are:
The most outstanding advantages of Sigunit®-P1AF shotcrete accelerator are:
Please refer to TDS and MSDS for detailed information.
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Silica Fume is an extremely fine powder having particles 100 times finer than cement particles. Due to the purity of the raw materials used in the production process, the chemicals and physical composition of the Silica Fume remains constant.
The use of Silica Fume Concrete is recommended for sewage pipes, waste water treatment plants, food and dairy products plants, pulp and paper plants, fertilizer plants and for any concrete work that may be in contact with aggressive chemical products.
Silica Fume reacts with the weak products of the cement hydration. The pores are finer and better dispersed. The bonding between the cement past e and the aggregate is improved.
Improved durability of Silica Fume concrete is the reduction in permeability. This is the result of a very refined and dense microstructure and reduced porosity.
Silica Fume concrete is more resistant to chemical aggressive agents of all kinds than ordinary or latex-modified concretes.
The direct introduction of the as-delivered Silica Fume into the concrete mixture provides flexibility to the producer in terms of dosage, types of application and anticipated results.
Silica Fume is a highly reactive cementitious material that acts at the same time as a filler and a pozzolane.
Silica Fume concrete is durable and resistant to freeze-thaw cycles. Silica Fume Concrete with a lower cement content and higher water/cementitious materials ratio performs very well after more than 550 freeze-thaw cycles.
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Winnipeg, MB
R2V 4P6
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